This site is migrating to, which is being maintained by Safing and the community alike.

Software Compatibility

The Portmaster tries to stay out of your way so you can focus on your work or play. Since the Portmaster is in alpha, this is not always going to work out. We are collecting all reports of in/compatible software here.

Community Reports

Help make the Portmaster better for everyone by reporting your experience.

OS Status Link
AdGuard 🟢 reported compatible, setup required → #431
Cisco Secure Endpoint 🟡 issue reported #481
DNSCrypt 🟢 reported compatible, setup required → #364
ESET IS 🟢 reported compatible #349
Gufw Firewall 🟢 reported compatible #295
KDE Connect 🟢 reported compatible, setup required → #412
🟢 reported compatible, setup required → #412
Lokinet 🟢 reported compatible, setup required → #560
NextDNS 🟢 confirmed compatible, setup required → #291
🟢 confirmed compatible, setup required → #291
Simplewall 🟢 reported compatible, minor issue → #314
Symantec Endpoint Protection 🟢 reported compatible #349
Trend Micro 🟢 reported compatible #349