This site is migrating to, which is being maintained by Safing and the community alike.

Install on Linux

  1. Installers
  2. Compatibility Reports
    1. Linux Kernel
    2. Desktop Environments
  3. Requirements
  4. Manual Install and Launching
  5. Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)
  6. Desktop Entry
  7. Troubleshooting
    1. Install Path Change
    2. Check if the Portmaster Is Running
    3. Starting And Stopping the Portmaster
    4. Changing the Log Level
    5. Accessing the Logs
    6. Debugging Network Issues
    7. No Network Connectivity After the Portmaster Stops
  8. Uninstall
  9. Community Contributions
    1. Start Portmaster Automatically with Runit
  10. Frequently Asked Questions

This page covers how to install and uninstall the Portmaster on Linux.


We provide package installers for supported systems:

  • Download .deb for Debian, Ubuntu, Pop!_OS, … how to
  • Download .rpm for Fedora, CentOS, … how to
  • In AUR: portmaster-stub-bin for Arch, Manjaro, EndeavourOS, …
  • curl -fsSL | sudo bash for Others

Important Notes:

  1. The newest version of Portmaster will be downloaded during installation. (~300MB)
  2. Portmaster will not start automatically after the installation. We recommend a reboot for a clean first start.

Please note that we only support the latest stable and LTS versions. We may be able to help out with other systems, but will not be able to invest a lot of time in order to keep focus.

The installers should take care of any needed dependencies. Please report back if they do not!

Please note that the Portmaster updates itself and that the provided packages are only meant for an initial install. Uninstalling the package from your system will properly uninstall and remove the Portmaster.

Compatibility Reports

Help make the Portmaster better for everyone by reporting your experience on different Linux distros.

Linux Kernel

System Version Status Link
Linux Kernel >= 5.7 🟢 confirmed compatible  
  5.6 🟡 issue reported #82
  2.4-5.5 🟢 confirmed compatible  
NixOS 21.05 🟡 issue reported #306
Parrot OS   🟡 issue reported #465

Desktop Environments

  Environment Version Status Link
Budgie ? 🟡 issue reported #111  
Cinnamon 4.6.7 🟢 reported compatible #297  
Deepin DE   request for report    
Gnome 3.38 🟢 confirmed compatible    
  >= 3 🟢 estimated compatible    
KDE Plasma 5.18 🟢 reported compatible #324  
LXDE   request for report    
LXQt   request for report    
MATE   request for report    
XFCE ? 🟢 confirmed compatible    


The Portmaster Core Service is compatible with the Linux Kernel as of version 2.4, but due to a breaking bug in at least v5.6, we recommend to use v5.7+.


  • Network Manager - for better integration (optional, but recommended)
  • We managed to remove all other dependencies! 🎉

Manual Install and Launching

Consider using our curl | bash installer mentioned above.

0. Install dependencies.

1. Download the latest portmaster-start utility and initialize all resources:

# Create portmaster data dir
mkdir -p /opt/safing/portmaster

# Download portmaster-start utility
wget -O /tmp/portmaster-start
sudo mv /tmp/portmaster-start /opt/safing/portmaster/portmaster-start
sudo chmod a+x /opt/safing/portmaster/portmaster-start

# Download resources
sudo /opt/safing/portmaster/portmaster-start --data /opt/safing/portmaster update

All data is saved in /opt/safing/portmaster. The portmaster-start utility always needs to know where this data directory is.

2. Reboot Your System

3. Start the Portmaster Core Service

sudo /opt/safing/portmaster/portmaster-start core

4. Start the Portmaster UI

/opt/safing/portmaster/portmaster-start app

5. Start the Portmaster Notifier

/opt/safing/portmaster/portmaster-start notifier

Your Desktop environment may not (yet) be compatible.

6. Start it on boot

In case you are not using systemd as your init system - you most likely know if that is the case - these guides contributed by the community will get you started:

In order to get the Portmaster Core Service to automatically start when booting, you need to create a systemd service unit at /etc/systemd/system/portmaster.service. The following unit file works but excludes most of the security relevant settings. For a more restricted version use this portmaster.service file.

Description=Portmaster Privacy App

ExecStart=/opt/safing/portmaster/portmaster-start core --data=/opt/safing/portmaster/
ExecStopPost=-/sbin/iptables -F C17
ExecStopPost=-/sbin/iptables -t mangle -F C170
ExecStopPost=-/sbin/iptables -t mangle -F C171
ExecStopPost=-/sbin/ip6tables -F C17
ExecStopPost=-/sbin/ip6tables -t mangle -F C170
ExecStopPost=-/sbin/ip6tables -t mangle -F C171


Finally, reload the systemd daemon and enable/start the Portmaster:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now portmaster

7. Enjoy!

Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)

If you are running with SELINUX=enforcing you probably were not successful with running the Portmaster and might see the following error in your journalctl -u portmaster:

dub 16 22:09:10 dev-fedora systemd[1]: Started Portmaster Privacy App.
dub 16 22:09:10 dev-fedora systemd[30591]: portmaster.service: Failed to execute command: Permission denied
dub 16 22:09:10 dev-fedora systemd[30591]: portmaster.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /opt/safing/portmaster/portmaster-start: Permission denied
dub 16 22:09:10 dev-fedora systemd[1]: portmaster.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC

This happens because SELinux will not allow you to run a binary from /opt/safing/portmaster as systemd service. For this to work you need to change the SELinux security context type of portmaster-start binary using the following command:

sudo chcon -t bin_t /opt/safing/portmaster/portmaster-start

Now you can restart the portmaster service and check that the portmaster started up successfully by running:

systemctl restart portmaster
systemctl status portmaster

Desktop Entry

To find and launch the Portmaster from within your desktop environment you need to create a file with metadata which tells your system how to run the Portmaster, which icon it should display in the taskbar, etc. The easiest way to do this on other distributions is to download the latest desktop entry and png icon from the portmaster-packaging repository:

sudo wget  -O /usr/local/share/applications/portmaster.desktop
sudo wget -O /usr/share/pixmaps/portmaster.png

Right after you download both files the Portmaster should appear in your system search with an icon. If you still cannot see the Portmaster icon, please check whether the portmaster-start path in the desktop entry matches the path of your installation.


Install Path Change

Installs before November 2021 were located in "/var/lib/portmaster", while new installs are located in "/opt/safing/portmaster".

The docs only reference the new path, but your system might still be using the old one. In order to upgrade your path you can re-install the Portmaster with the newest installer.

Check if the Portmaster Is Running

You can check if the Portmaster system service is actually running or if it somehow failed to start by executing the following command:

sudo systemctl status portmaster

This should show something like active (running) since <start-time>. Please also check if the start time seems reasonable. If it seems strange, try looking at the logs.

Starting And Stopping the Portmaster

If you encounter any issues you might want to (temporarily) stop the Portmaster. You can do this like this:

# This will stop the portmaster until you reboot.
sudo systemctl stop portmaster

# This will disable automatically starting the Portmaster on boot.
sudo systemctl disable portmaster

Changing the Log Level

When debugging or troubleshooting issues it is always a good idea to increase the debug output by adjusting the Log Level .

Accessing the Logs

Portmaster logs can either be viewed using the system journal or by browsing the log files in /opt/safing/portmaster/logs. Installs before November 2021 used /var/lib/portmaster instead. In most cases, the interesting log files will be in the core folder.

# View logs of the Portmaster using the system journal.
sudo journalctl -u portmaster

# You can also specify a time-range for viewing.
sudo journalctl -u portmaster --since "10 minutes ago"

Debugging Network Issues

Due to the Portmaster being an Application Firewall it needs to deeply integrate with the networking stack of your operating system. That means that “no network connectivity” might be caused at different points during connection handling. The following steps will help you to figure out where the actual issue comes from. Please include any output of the below commands in any related issues as it is very valuable in debugging your problem.

1. Check if the Portmaster Is Actually Up and Running
2. Test Direct Network Connectivity

The Portmaster includes a local DNS resolver to provide its monitoring and some filtering capabilities. In order to track down the issue, connect directly to an IP address. Should this work, this would indicate that there is a problem with the Portmaster’s DNS resolver.

# Check if a ping message succeeds.
# The Portmaster currently always allows ping messages.

# Check if an HTTP request succeeds.
# In case of an error, look for "curl" in the network monitor of the Portmaster.
curl -I

# Or use wget to check if an HTTP request succeeds.
# In case of an error, look for "wget" in the network monitor of the Portmaster.
wget -S -O /dev/null
3. Test DNS Resolving

If the above step works the issue most likely resides somewhere at the DNS resolving level. To confirm, please try the following:

# Check if a DNS requests suceeds.
# In case of an error, look for "dig" in the network monitor of the Portmaster.

# Or use nslookup to check if a DNS requests suceeds.
# In case of an error, look for "nslookup" in the network monitor of the Portmaster.

No Network Connectivity After the Portmaster Stops

In case of a rapid unscheduled shutdown, the Portmaster may sometimes fail to cleanup its iptables rules and thus break networking. To work around this either use the recommended systemd service unit included in our installers or execute the following commands:

sudo /opt/safing/portmaster/portmaster-start recover-iptables


Uninstalling the portmaster package from your system will properly uninstall and remove the Portmaster.

Most distros will have a graphical software and package manager for uninstalling.
You can easily find it by opening the "Start Menu" and searching for "software".

sudo apt purge portmaster
sudo yum remove portmaster
sudo pacman -Rnsu portmaster

Community Contributions

Start Portmaster Automatically with Runit

6. Start it on boot Runit (systems)

In order to get the Portmaster Core Service to run automatically at boot, you need to make a runit service by first creating a directory at /usr/local/sv/portmaster/ (if there isn’t any /usr/local/sv/ directory just create with the 755 permission using mkdir -p /usr/local/sv ) with 755 permissions, then creating a run file at /usr/local/sv/portmaster/run with the same permissions as the portmaster folder we created. This file must contain the following:

exec /opt/safing/portmaster/portmaster-start core --data=/opt/safing/portmaster/

NOTE: The portmaster-start script might be located elsewhere.

Finally, enable and start the service:

sudo ln -s /usr/local/sv/portmaster /etc/runit/runsvdir/default
sudo sv up portmaster

Artix Linux users can find the portmaster-runit package in the AUR

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find solutions to common problems in the FAQ